The unique laboratories were acquired and modernized with the support of the projects OP VVV "Modernization of laboratories for biomedical engineering" (reg. number CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_017/0002244) and the complementary project "Biomedical engineering for the knowledge economy" (reg. number CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/16_018/0002242), with a total value of approx. 40 000 000 CZK.
The opening ceremony was attended by the Director of the University Project Administration Department Ing. Michal Plechatý and his colleagues, the Quaestor of CTU Ing. Jiří Boháček, cooperating partners from IKEM and other guests.
Ing. Venuše Heřmanová, project and financial manager of the projects, adds: "The main objective of our project was to intensify the development of a quality infrastructure for the research-oriented PhD programme of the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering in line with the strategy of the faculty and the University, and at the same time to make the faculty infrastructure more attractive and stronger for the research work of PhD students, to support human resources and to improve the teaching conditions."
There are eight laboratories in total: Laboratory of Development of Experimental Devices and Modules for Biomedicine, Laboratory of Flow Systems for Tissue Engineering and Organ Perfusion, Laboratory of Measurement and Analysis of Gases in Biomedicine, Laboratory of Analysis, Processing and Modelling of Clinical and Experimental Signals, Laboratory of Bio-Electromagnetism, Laboratory of Design and Development of Engineering Technologies for Anesthesiology and Urgent Care, Laboratory of Musculoskeletal Mechanics, and Laboratory of Clinical Engineering and Medical Technology Management.
Zaměření druhého projektu upřesňuje prof. Ing. Peter Kneppo, DrSc., dr.h.c., hlavní odborný garant projektů: „Cílem projektu bylo modernizovat doktorský studijní program Biomedicínská a klinická technika na základě požadavků znalostní ekonomiky a potřeb trhu práce. Zapojením odborníků z praxe a zahraničí se upravil profil absolventa programu v souladu s mezinárodními standardy a požadavky na ještě širší uplatnění v praxi.“
The focus of the second project is specified by prof. Ing. Peter Kneppo, DrSc., dr.h.c., the main expert guarantor of the projects: "The aim of the project was to modernise the doctoral study programme in Biomedical and Clinical Technology based on the requirements of the knowledge economy and the needs of the labour market. By involving experts from practice and abroad, the profile of the graduate of the programme has been adjusted in accordance with international standards and requirements for even wider application in practice."
"The innovative research doctoral programme is accredited under the name Biomedical Engineering and its content is unique not only in the Czech Republic but also in the world," adds Prof. MUDr. Jozef Rosina, Ph.D., MBA, Dean of FBMI.
More info on the projects can be found at