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What is the most common reason for people to go into debt and how many people in the Czech Republic are in favour of direct election of the president? These and other opinion polls are conducted by research agencies. Each agency has its own "warehouse" of information that can be used further. The web platform DATArohlík, developed in cooperation with the Faculty of Information Technology (FIT), is a data self-service where all data from research agencies are stored and available completely in one place. Similar to an online grocery store.

In the Czech Republic, research agencies collect data on the public and communication agencies use this data for their marketing purposes. Research agencies make available their data warehouses-catalogues in which clients and the public should better navigate. The aim of the DATArohlík project is to make it easier for research and communication agencies to work with market research data. DATArohlík is a data self-service where data for communication agencies and the public are stored in one place.

„V současnosti se v katalogu nachází první set souborů dat získaných od veřejných i soukromých institucí. Tematicky jsou zde obsažena data různých oblastí lidské činnosti,“ přibližuje přínos DATArohlíku jeden z jeho tvůrců, doc. Robert Pergl, a dodává: „Najdeme zde mimo jiné datasety týkající se socioekonomické situace a demografického vývoje, informace o chování spotřebitelů či sledovanosti médií.“

"The first set of datasets obtained from public and private institutions is now in the catalogue. Thematically, data from various areas of human activity are contained here," says one of the founders, doc. Robert Pergl, and adds: "Among other things, datasets on the socio-economic situation and demographic development, information on consumer behaviour or media viewership can be found here."

DATArohlík is based on the project "Data platform for marketing communication", which was conducted by the research group Center for Conceptual Modeling and Implementation at the Faculty of Information Technology under the leadership of doc. Ing. Robert Pergl, Ph.D., and Ing. Michal Valenta, Ph.D. The project also involved five students and produced a successful bachelor thesis by Bc. Jana Martínková "Use of ontology analysis for semantic interoperability of marketing data", which dealt with the interconnectivity of datasets.

The DATArohlík project was initiated by Remmark in cooperation with the Association of Communication Agencies and FIT CTU. The project was officially presented at the Communication Summit 2022. DATArohlík has now launched the first part of the project (the dataset catalogue), but the foundations of very interesting additional features that will be added gradually have been laid within the project with Remmark.

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Ivana Macnarová