"We will guide you through the issues of development and humanitarian projects and their technical aspects," mentions project co-founder Ing. Jan Tilinger, Ph.D. from CTU.
This year, for the first time, Development September will be held in English with the involvement of Architecture Sans Frontières International and INSPIRELI AWARDS, the largest student architecture competition.
Among the lecturers of the first three days of the summer school we should mention reporter Jan Novák from Seznam Zprávy, Jan Böhm from Doctors Without Borders, documentary filmmaker Pavel Borecký, development expert on development cooperation and conflicts Mgr. Lenka Dušková, Ph.D. from Palacký University in Olomouc, Africanist Mgr. Martin Schmiedel, Ph.D. from Mendel University or expert on sustainable rural development Ing. Jana Mazancová, Ph.D. from the Faculty of Tropical Agriculture of Czech University of Life Sciences. We will also welcome the Austrian-Syrian architect Sami Akkach, a specialist in unfired clay buildings.
"This project formed the basis of the team with which I am now implementing my second construction project in Zambia," says Ing. Petr Čanda, PhD student at CTU Faculty of Civil Engineering, project leader of the construction of the secondary school in Kashhit.
On Friday morning, the INSPIRELI AWARDS category of development projects will be presented and a new theme for the competition will be announced. The Development in the Context of Technology exhibition will open at noon. The exhibition will consist of a presentation of student development projects, recent photographs of an ongoing high school construction project in Zambia, projects from the INSPIRELI for UKRAINE competition, and a presentation of the activities of each national Architecture Sans Frontières International, including the Czech organization Architects Without Borders. After the opening of the exhibition there will be mini-lectures introducing the national organisations of Architecture Sans Frontières International and their projects. On Saturday, as part of the ASF Int meeting, there will be a public workshop on "Post-war reconstruction" and in the afternoon the award ceremony and the presentation of the INSPIRELI AWARDS 2024.
"It is obvious from the list of the programme that people from different parts of the world and absolutely different backgrounds will have the opportunity to discuss together at CTU. And that was the main reason why this event was created," adds Mgr. Eva Machová, Ph.D., co-founder of the project.
The whole event will take place at Faculty of Civil Engineering and the programme, registration and other information can be found at the ICWD.CVUT.CZ. stands. The exhibition will remain in the atrium of the faculty until 25 September 2024.
CTU students can also learn about foreign development projects within the Civil Engineering in Developing Countries course.
Information about the summer school: http://icwd.cvut.cz/summer-school/
Summer school application form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1XbprysEK45ukOzlk4KHOqYtfqAffsGk5iXl9HHGm5Qg/edit