Publication date:

The Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering of CTU (FJFI) will be presented at Meltingpot from 17 to 20 July.
The Big Bang Stage and other stages will again enrich the Colours of Ostrava festival with a scientific programme this year. The 70th anniversary of CERN will be commemorated by a lecture by Director General Fabiola Gianotti, and Dana Drábová will speak about Oppenheimer. In addition to the speakers, you can also look forward to physics experiments, "singing" elementary particles or artistic duels with a scientific theme, so don't miss it!
Further information in the press release
The dean of FJFI Václav Čuba will also be at Meltingpot...
... or Adéla Chalupová, a graduate of FJFI, who is now training to be a block guard operator at Temelín