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Hall of the Year Academic competition helps undergraduates understand how load forces act on the building structure and what can be its weaknesses. The competition is organized by the CTU Faculty of Civil Engineering and can be attended by students of universities with specialization in civil engineering. Their task is to design and build a model of construction according to the assignment and then submit it to load test in the finals. The contest will be held on 25 April, and student teams can register by 4 April. The most efficient model - the model with the highest load-to-weight ratio - wins.

Students are competing in teams of 2 or 3 members. There is a reward of 50 000 Czech crowns for the winning team, other teams can look forward to interesting prizes. This year, the task is to design, build and then load the roof model of a salt dump with a conveyor. In doing so, they must respect the entered materials and model parameters.

During the load test, exactly defined weights are put on the model one by one until the structure collapses. The students can then see where are its weak points and why the destruction occurred. The competition attracts great interest by both students and academics.

Hall of the Year Academic takes place under the auspices of prof. Jiří Máca, Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and chairman of Czech chamber of civil engineers (ČKAIT), and was sponsored by major construction companies.


Contact  person: Lidmila Kábrtová